🪴/ Learning about databases

Finally reaching a bit further down the stack and learning about databases, SQL, and specifically MySQL, I’m documenting my journey and useful resources I’ve gone through.

Nov 30, 2024

I'm learning a bit more about SQL and databases.

I've worked through Julia Evan's SQL zine before:

With the accompanying playground: https://sql-playground.wizardzines.com

I'm working through a tutorial on MySQL from Golang after setting up MySQL via Docker

It's also just an interesting exercise in how Golang approaches data management from a pretty imperative data flow, which is very different from the functional approach I'm used to in TypeScript

Finished following the Golang tutorial, https://github.com/jasikpark/go-tutorial-data-access. It's just a copy of the code in the end.

Next was: https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/sql/

Took a gander through a couple of Code Academy lessons next.

Also reading through how the api repo interacts with our databases at work to read real-world code 💜

Learning how many different types of joins there are was interesting, and W3Schools showed up again with the solid references: W3Schools: MySQL SQL

Planetscale has a good number of blog posts on MySQL, in addition to what seems like a thorough “MySQL for Developers” course: