It's been a bit since I've written one of these, last was Recently 2020-08-19. At lot has changed since then, namely joining up with Defined Networking and while working full-time my personal site has languished.
I'm posting most things I read to these days, so here's some of the recent goodies:
- - Good post stolen from Tom MacWright's Recently section
- - Apple has published their intention to bring Level 3 post-quantum cryptography to iMessage, I'm excited for it! I'm still going to stick with trusting Signal more, but more end-to-end encryption is good to see.
- - Signal is also making moves, building a system of usernames that are only known for initiating contact, which you can adjust and drop at any time, also supporting quick links and QR codes to share your new username instead of requiring telling everyone your personal phone number.
- - Julia Evans posted about
config options, which made me re-evaluate what I've got, though I didn't really change anything except my diff tool togit-delta
. - - I was reminded of this paper about Metamorphic Fuzzing, which I'm still a bit uncertain about.
I saw Glitterer in concert the other day, they were a sweet band!
I also saw DROLOE in concert recently, that was wonderful! Even got to hit him up after when he was manning the merch shop.
I'm still replicating Tom MacWright's awesome "Recently" posts, but I don't have the momentum or ability to write about most of the things going on with me.
Bleep bloop blop.
I've found some canned mead at my local supermarket, I'm a pretty bee-g fan 😁
I also found TECHNO TAVERNE which is some very funny techno
One of my fave artists released Willow too