There are a good number of code formatters under the sun. I've been wanting to build for a while now, I figure it's worth starting here with a simple list of everything that's around. Let me know via bsky if I need to add something!
Relatedly, I want to try to set up fuzzing for all said formatters, since they're a pretty solid problem space for fuzzing, idempotent and well-scoped. See Checking for idempotency: a bodgey formatter fuzzer, and jasikpark/fuzz-prettier for more.
Language | Tools |
TS / TSX / JS / JSX | |
Rust | |
Go | |
Go Template | |
Java | |
C / C++ | |
Zig | |
Gleam | |
Handlebars | |
Markdown / MDX | |
Markdoc |